Creative HEARTful Healing, One Note at a Time....


I practice somatically oriented arts-based yoga; integrating mindful asana, with breathwork, music, art, creative writing, and a bit of playfulness, we can bring integrated awareness and vitality to our mind, body, and spirit. I love to integrate yoga into my expressive arts teaching and would love to come to your site to teach a workshop!

Yoga and Mindful Presence



Mindful presence on a single task allows the mind and body to recalibrate and refresh.  Living in a highly stimulating world can cause brain and body disconnection and sensory overload, thus resulting in stress and a lack of meaningful productivity. 


Take a moment to focus deeply on a single task.  Keep the task simple and common.  Maybe you could focus on a task you do every single day.  Try to be completely present with that task daily and see what happens. Mindful presence on a single task involves simply and deeply doing one thing.  Mindful presence allows the mind and body to recalibrate and refresh.  Living in a highly stimulating world can cause brain and body disconnection and create what is commonly known as sensory overload. An overload of the senses can result in increased stress, decreased concentration, and physiological pain. 

Take a moment to focus deeply on a single task.  Keep the task simple and common - something you do every single day.  Try to be completely present with that task daily and see what happens. 

Simple task focusing: Folding clean laundry, listening to the breeze rustles through the trees, watching the rain drip down a window pane, stacking rocks, sweeping the floor….