Creative HEARTful Healing, One Note at a Time....

Expressive Arts Workshops & Presentations

I love to give workshops that integrate the arts for healing. My topics of interest include book talks, music, and the brain, autism and music therapy, intermodal arts approaches to healing, and creative play in the arts.


International Expressive Arts Therapy Association Conference, June 2025

Endicott College Expressive Therapies Symposium October 25, 2025

June 2024. Music Therapy: Transformative Possibilities for Health and Wellbeing at Ursuline College via Zoom.


May 20, 2024, “Exploring the Roots & Rhytnm of the HEART: Heartful healing through the Arts” Artful Life Counseling Center Staff Training, Cummings Center, Beverly, MA

March 8, 2024, “Transformative Writing and Transformative Music Making: Taking and Making Notes” American Music Therapy Association - NER Conference, Newport, RI.

March 8, 2024 “Gentle Yoga Workshop” American Music Therapy Association - NER Conference, Newport, RI.

October 20, 2023. “Exploring the Rhythm and Frequency of the Heart with Dr. Krystal Demaine” Hannah Elementary School, Beverly, MA

July 2023 “The Roots & Rhythm of the Heart” Art Finds a Way: Conversations with Expressive Arts Therapists Podcast with Scott Snow.

May 15, 2023. “Working from the Heart: A journey through grief, music, and HEARTful healing

April 21, 2023 “Exploring the Roots and Rhythm of the Heart” American Music Therapy Association - NER conference, Stowe, VT.

April 22-23, 2023 “Exploring the Roots and Rhythm of the Heart” Art Therapy Education Forum at CAFA in Beijing, China, via Zoom.

March 13, 2023. “Tuning into the Heart” Workshop for William James College, Newton, MA.

February 1, 2023. “On Being a Heart Centered Therapist” The Creative Psychotherapist Podcast

February 2023 Endicott College Faculty Book Signing Celebration

February 2023.  Book Reading and Workshop for The Roots and Rhythm of the Heart.  Gloucester Writers Center. Gloucester, MA          

Demaine, K. (October 2022). Opening Remarks at the Endicott College Expressive Therapies Symposium: Contemplative Practices. Beverly, MA, USA

October 2021. Sabbatical Leave Presentation, Endicott College

Demaine, K., Wang, C., & Ferris-Richardson, J. (November, 2019). Expressive Therapies and Traditional Chinese Medicine: Merging roots, heart, and healing. Expressive Therapies Summit, New York, NY, USA.

Demaine, K. (March 2019). The roots and rhythm of the heart: An integration of sound, image, and story. American Music Therapy Association, New England Regional Conference.  Falmouth, MA, USA.

Demaine, K.,  Rojas-Sambrano, P., & Morrison, A.  (March, 2019). Listening to what rises: Assemblage, narrative, and process. International Expressive Arts Therapy Association 13th Biannual Conference: Rising Up: The Evolution and Revolution of Expressive Arts.  Berkeley, CA, USA

Demaine, K.  (2017, October).  Roots and Rhythm of the Heart.  International Expressive Arts Therapy Conference.  Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.  

Demaine, K.  (2017, January).  Creative Wellness & Musical Echolalia and Non Verbal Children with Autism.  Latin American Music Therapy Symposium.  Panama City, Panama

Demaine, K.  (2016, April).  Creative Meditation.  American Music Therapy Association, New England Regional Conference.  Falmouth, MA.

Demaine, K., Morrison, A., & Cardillo, NJ.  (2015, October). Undergraduate expressive arts therapy pedagogy: Cultivating culture and developing mindsets. International Expressive Arts Therapy Association Conference, Hong Kong.

Demaine, K.  (2014, April).  Yoga, Music, and Neuroscience: An Integration of Wholeness.  American Music Therapy Association, New England Regional Conference, Bridgeport, CT.

Demaine, K.  (2013, August).  Music Therapy and Parkinson’s Disease.  Presentation at Circles of Hope: Friends of Parkinson’s Meeting, Marblehead, MA.

Demaine, K.  (2013, May).  Musical echolalia and non-verbal children with Autism.  Paper presented at Teaching Music to Students on the Autism Spectrum Conference, Boston Conservatory of Music, Boston, MA.

Demaine, K.  (2013, February).  The role of imitation in music therapy for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.  Paper presented at Perspectives on Music Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorders.  Berklee College of Music, Boston, MA. 

Demaine, K.  (2012, December).  Working in Concert: Exploring Scientific Research Collaborations in Music Therapy.  Invited Presentation at Massachusetts Music Therapy Alliance Meeting, Boston, MA.

Demaine, K.  (2012, October).  Musical Echolalia and Non-Verbal Children with Autism.  Paper presented at North East Music Cognition and Perception Meeting, Boston University, Boston, MA

Demaine, K. (2012, November).  Musical Echolalia and Non-Verbal Children with Autism: A Dissertation.”  Poster Presented at The American Music Therapy Association National Conference.  St. Charles, IL.

Demaine, K.  (2012, April).  Autism, music, and the brain.  Five-Hour Continuing Education Course presented at The American Music Therapy Association New England Regional Conference.  Manchester, VT.

Demaine, K.  (2012, April).  Musical Echolalia: Exploring musical imitation and non-verbal children with autism.  Paper presented at TheAmerican Music Therapy Association New England Regional Conference.  Manchester, VT.

Demaine, K.  (2011, November).  “Musical imitation and four non-verbal children with autism” Poster Presentation.  American Music Therapy Association National Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Demaine, K. (2011, June) “Musical Imitation and Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders”  Poster Presentation at Neurosciences and Music IV. Edinburgh, UK.

Demaine, K. (2011, April).  “Autism, Music and the Mirror Neuron System”  American Music Therapy AssociationNew England Regional Conference.  Brewster, MA.

Demaine, K.  (2011, April).  “Musical Imitation and Autism Spectrum Disorders. ” American Music Therapy AssociationNew England Regional Conference.  Brewster, MA.

Demaine, K. (2011, January).  “Musical imitation in children with autism spectrum disorders”.  Poster presentation at Crossing the Corpus Callosum at Harvard University.  Cambridge, MA.

Demaine, K.  (2010, August). “The relative roles of melody and rhythm in music therapy for two boys with autism”. Poster presentation at The 11th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition. Seattle, WA.

Demaine, K.  (2010, July).  “Music Therapy and Autism Spectrum Disorders”.  The Autism Support Center.  Danvers, MA.

Demaine, K. & Richardson, J.  (2010, March).  “Expressive therapies and traditional Chinese medicine”.  Community of Scholars at Lesley University.  Cambridge, MA

Demaine, K. (2010, March).  “Musical roots for healing: The five tone system in traditional Chinese medicine”.   New England Regional Music Therapy Conference. Westbrook, CT

Wan, C., Zipse, L., Norton, A., Demaine, K., Baars, R., Zuk, J., Libenson, A., Bazen, L., Schlaug, G. (2009, October). “Using an auditory-motor mapping therapy to improve expressive language abilities in non- verbal children with autism 8th.  Poster presentation at The 8th Annual Auditory Perception, Cognition and Action Meeting, 19 November, 2009, Boston, MA.

Wan, CY., Zipse, L., Norton, A., Demaine, K., Baars, R., Libenson, A., Zuk, J., Bazen, L., & Schlaug, G. (2009, October). Using an intonation-based intervention to improve expressive language abilities in nonverbal children with autism: Theoretical background and pilot data. 2nd Autism Consortium Symposium, Boston, MA.

Demaine, K. (2009, September). “Music therapy advocacy”.  Presentation at Massachusetts Music Therapy Alliance.  Waltham, MA.

Demaine, K. (2009, August).  “Autism musically speaking”.  Arts and Natural Health: Creative Arts Therapy International Conference. Beijing, China.

Demaine, K. (2009, August).  “Music therapy in America”.  Arts and Natural Health: Creative Arts Therapy International Conference. Beijing, China.

Demaine, K. (2009, April). “Autism: Musically speaking”.  Speech Therapy Consultants, Cambridge Public Schools, Cambridge, MA.

Demaine, K., Laine, S. (2009, April). “Feeling the beat: The benefit of vibrotactile stimulation with autism”.  American Music Therapy Association Regional Conference, Portsmouth, MA

Demaine, K., Norton, A., Schlaug, G. (2009, February). “Autism, music and the brain”.  Poster presentation at Crossing the Corpus Callosum: Neuroscience, Healing and the Arts.  Sponsored by Longwood Symphony Orchestra. Boston, MA.

Richards, W., Demaine, K., McLaughlin, B., Crissman, J. (2008, November). “Spotlight on school aged populations: Developing appropriate music therapy assessment and treatment practices from behavior skill strands”. [Sensory Processing Disorders].  American Music Therapy Association National Conference, St. Louis, IL.

Demaine, K. (2008, September).“These are my memories of you: Music therapy with children’s grief support groups”.  Presentation at Hospice & Palliative Care Conference, Norwood, MA

Demaine, K. (2008, April). “Neurologic music therapy basics”.  Presentation at American Music Therapy Association New England Regional Conference, Lenox, MA

Demaine, K. (2008, April). “How to present a great in-service”.  Presentation at American Music Therapy Association New England Regional Conference, Lenox, MA

Demaine, K. (2007, September). “These are my memories of you: Music therapy with children’s grief support groups”. Hospice & Palliative Care Conference, Boxford, MA.  American Music Therapy Association New England Regional Conference, Newport, RI

Demaine, K. (2007, April). “These are my memories of you: Music therapy with children’s grief support groups”.  Presentation at American Music Therapy Association New England Regional Conference, Newport, RI

Demaine, K. (2006, October). “Creating music therapy jobs in New England: Starting a private practice”.  Presentation at Passages Conference, Lesley University, Cambridge, MA.

Demaine, K. (2006, April). “One step at a time: Creating motor planning activities for children with sensory integration disorders” Presentation at American Music Therapy Association New England Regional Conference, Meriden, CT.

Demaine, K., Routhier, C., Gagnon, S. (2006, April). “Working in educational collaboratives; Strengths and pitfalls”.  Presentation at American Music Therapy Association New England Regional Conference, Meriden, CT.

Demaine, K. (2005, October). “Unlocking the door to depression: Music therapy intervention with depressed adolescents”.  American Music Therapy Association New England Regional Conference, Stowe, VT.  Passages Conference, Lesley University, Cambridge, MA.

Demaine, K. (2004, November). “Creating music therapy jobs in New England: Starting a private practice”.  American Music Therapy Association New England Regional Conference, Falmouth, MA;

Demaine, K. (2001, November). “Preparing for a music therapy internship”.  Berklee College of Music, Boston, MA

Demaine, K. (2001, March).  “Music therapy intervention for hospice patients”.  Community Care Partners, Asheville, NC

Demaine, K. (2001, February). “Music therapy with infant, toddler and preschool age children”.  Western Regional Child Care Conference, Asheville, NC.

Demaine, K. & Caso, L. (2000, September)“Songwriting in music therapy”.  Passages Conference, Lesley University, Cambridge, MA

Hanser, S., Demaine, K., Marinelli, J. (2000, April). “Music therapy and stress reduction”. American Music Therapy Association New England Regional Conference, Falmouth, MA; April 2000.

Taylor, D. B., Demaine, K., et al. (1998, November). “The clinical application of rock and roll in music therapy”.  American Music Therapy Association National Conference, Cleveland, OH